Bundesstrasse 13, 6003 Luzern info@lernatelierluzern.ch Mo,Mi,Fr 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr
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Sommerfest 2024

Das Sommerfest für alle Freiwilligen war zugleich ein Anlass zum Abschied von Kurt Bösch, der während drei Jahren als pädagogischer Leiter mithalf, das Lernatelier aufzubauen.
Der Apéro wurde musikalisch begleitet vom ukrainischen Duo Velvet Sky mit Natalie Ovsiienko und ihrem Partner an der Gitarre,
Danach beigeisterten die von Kirsten zubereiteten Pizzas sowie das Salatbuffet, zu dem alle etwas beigetragen haben, die Gäste.
Vor dem anschliessenden Dessert gab es Reden: Die Projektleitung würdigte den grossen Beitrag von Kurt, der seinerseits die gute Zusammenarbeit mit allen in Zentrum stellte.
Von den Freiwilligen meldete sich Krista und machte auf die zahlreichen anderen Fähigkeit von Kurt aufmerksam.
 Sommerfest 24
 Sommerfest 24 2

Numerous new visitors from Africa

Many young people from Africa from various countries are currently visiting us to learn German.
They speak languages that are unknown to us and that even Arabic-speaking translators do not understand.
As they cannot work with our teaching materials for the time being, we have grouped them together in a group led by Claudia.
Other Africans are illiterate and are learning to write with us.

20240624 104510Claudia with her learning group

Coffee break

ElyseeAt 10.15 a.m. on the dot, it's time for a break. This is the time for informal encounters between learners and volunteers. The refugees also have a lot to say to each other. There is also coffee, tea, cake and sometimes chocolate. Every now and then, the refugees also bring along a speciality from their home country.
Elysee Ayaba Lantonkpode from Benin has been learning German at the LernAtelier since the beginning of the year.
She came to Switzerland with her son Adje Elon Fade in 2022.
For the past few months, Elysee has taken on the task of preparing the drinks and sweets for the break. She serves the learners and volunteers in a friendly, almost professional manner and makes sure that no one misses out.

Address details

LernAtelier Luzern
Bundesstrasse 13
6003 Luzern

CH58 0077 8208 7895 1200 1


Project management
Organisation, Communication, Finance

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LernAtelier Luzern

Learning in the LernAtelier is based on voluntariness, personal initiative and self-responsibility. The learners are specifically supported by teachers and volunteers.  There is a calm and cheerful learning climate. The socio-cultural aspects also play an important role. In the new "Bundeshaus" building on Bundesstrasse, synergies can be used with the other social institutions located here (HelloWelcome, Kunigo, SolinetzLuzern, PlanC).